Local church hosting banquet for widows
Lighthouse Baptist Church is located at 136 Rix Mills Rd. in New Concord.
February 13, 2019
Lighthouse Baptist Church is hosting a banquet for widows in the community.
The New Concord church invites widows to come enjoy a meal followed by a program with music, gift card raffle and gift for each woman to take home on Monday, Feb. 18 at 11 a.m.
Adrienne Winsley, a member of Lighthouse Baptist Church, said the Bible talks about the church caring for widows, and the banquet is a way for Lighthouse Baptist to honor those women in the community.
Monday is the second annual banquet, and the church hopes to continue the event in the future.
Women interested in attending the event are asked to register with Winsley to ensure there are enough food and gifts for each person.
Last year, about 20 to 25 women attended the event. Winsley said the group of volunteers from the church is preparing for about 60 guests.
To register call 740.826.7423 or by emailing awinsley@gmail.com. Lighthouse Baptist Church is located at 136 Rix Mills Rd. in New Concord.