Zanesville dentist calms fears of teeth cleaning with fun

By Christine Holmes, News Director

A local dentist is making an effort to help ease children’s fear of dental treatment with fun activities throughout the day.

Dr. Charles Hawkins of Hawkins Complete Dental Service said he hosts Kid’s Day because children are often afraid of visiting the dentist and seeing someone new.

“We do this event just to show kids how fun it is to go to the dentist.”

Right on cue, a toddler sitting in a nearby chair started crying in panic.

“They get scared,” said Hawkins. “Like her (the toddler), it’s a brand new place.”

In order to help combat that fear, right outside Hawkins’ office were bouncy houses, a photo booth, games and food for kids to enjoy before having their teeth cleaned.

Hawkins said between 60 and 70 children stopped by throughout Kid’s Day, just in time to go back to school.