John McIntire Library to open Monday

By Staff Report

The Muskingum County Library System is reopening its main downtown branch Monday afternoon as businesses across the state reopen.

The library system has been closed for nearly three months following an announcement on March 13 that the six library locations would close beginning March 16 at 8:00 p.m.

According to Stacey Russell, Fiscal Officer and Interim Director of the Muskingum County Library System, beginning Monday, June 8 the John McIntire Library will be open weekdays from 2-6 p.m.

Patrons will be required to wear a face mask when entering the library, for those who don’t have a mask when entering, one will be provided according to Russell.

Due to multiple restrictions still in place by the Ohio Department of Health, the library will be limiting the number of individuals allowed in the building at one time.

Plexi-glass has also been installed at customer service desks and signage, along with floor markings, have been strategically placed to encourage social distancing.

Most furniture has also been removed and computers have been spaced out to encourage social distancing Russell added.

Guests are also being asked to not re-shelve materials and to instead place items in the various bins or carts provided around the library so that items can be cleaned before being placed back on the shelves.

In-person programming will not resume until social distancing and gathering requirements are lifted according to Russell.

Those wishing to visit the John McIntire Library are asked to enter from the north parking lot using the automatic doors.