Taylor Street closed to Maple Avenue


The end of Taylor Street is closed to Maple Avenue due to a water main break that occurred Tuesday night.

By Jessica Johnston, Reporter

Due to a water main break that occurred Tuesday evening, a portion of Taylor Street is closed to traffic.

The Zanesville Water Department crews repaired the water main break, but a portion of the roadway had to be dug up.

Roadwork is set to begin Monday. Repaving the disturbed portion of the road is anticipated to take place Wednesday or Thursday next week, according to Water Superintendent, Paul Mills.

The main break was likely due to old pipes. Crews were able to repair the break by approximately 2 a.m. Wednesday, Mills said.

Residents in the area likely experienced low water pressure, but the water remained on throughout the duration of the repairs.

The department was hoping to continue work on Taylor Street Friday, but due to other projects, the repairs to the roadway were pushed back to next week, Mills said.