Community Action Agency temporary closes office, resources still available to residents


By Staff Report

A local agency that helps those struggling to pay utility bills has temporarily changed its operation to adhere to Governor Mike DeWine’s orders.

The Community Action Agency of Muskingum County which helps administer both the E-HEAP and HEAP energy programs is still assisting those filing essential utility assistance applications according to their press release.

“Most non-essential services have been ordered suspended by both our public and private sector funders,” CEO Steve Wilson wrote.

The press release goes on to note that many regulated and unregulated gas and electric utilities have announced they will suspend shutoffs to customers who are behind or might miss a payment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, they encourage everyone to attempt to keep their accounts current as utility bills are not forgiven and will be due at a later date.

To limit contact between customers and staff, those needing assistance are asked to contact the following numbers for help.

Utility Assistance: 740-453-5703 Ext. 108

Home Weatherization and Energy Conservation: 740-454-1310 Ext. 113

Housing and Homeless Prevention: 740-453-5703 Ext. 118