New Ohio AG liaison from Zanesville discusses programs offered by office

Danielle Mason, Eastern Regional Director for the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, meets with the Muskingum County Commissioners Thursday morning.

By Jessica Johnston, Assistant News Director

The new Eastern Regional Director for the Ohio Attorney General’s Office coordinates with 10 counties in Ohio, but she calls Muskingum County home.

Danielle Mason started her position with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office 10 days ago.

Thursday morning, Mason met with the Muskingum County Commissioners, faces she was not unfamiliar with, to introduce herself in the new role, as well as inform the officials of programs the Attorney General offers that are not commonly known.

Mason, wife to former Zanesville mayor Don Mason, said within the first few weeks of assuming her position, she’s meeting with public officials throughout the 10 counties she covers. By meeting with public officials, she said her hope is that they will become comfortable enough with her to ask her for assistance and take advantage of the programs the Ohio Attorney General’s Office offers.

“I want their perspective on what the local issues are, and I also want to let them know what the Attorney General’s Office can do for them,” Mason said.

Many programs beyond the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy fall under the realm of the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

The office can act as a debt collector for local governments and courts. In an effort to alleviate the cost of using a third-party debt collector, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office will work with local courts to collect funds owed from court costs.

“As an attorney, I’m impressed with that program,” Mason, who started her law career as an assistant prosecuting attorney in Muskingum County, said.

In addition to assisting courts, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office is also dedicated to consumer protection.

“There’s a lot of scams out there where senior citizens in particular are targeted,” Mason said. “Those are the kinds of things we want to know about, the Attorney General’s Office will definitely take action.”

She gave the example of scammers calling an elderly person stating the elderly person’s grandchild has been in a traumatic accident and they needed money immediately to help the child.

The commissioners also provided examples of their caller ID listing a person’s name or even an entity’s name, and, when they answered the phone, it was a scam or telemarketing call.

“I’ve watched Dave Yost through the years. He’s an individual who’s interested in protecting consumers, protecting the public and I have great admiration for him,” Mason said.

There are many other programs the Ohio Attorney General’s Office offers, including economic development programs, that Mason briefly mentioned during the meeting.

Although she has only been in her role for 10 days, Mason said she’s fortunate to be representing the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

“I know this Attorney General is out there. He’s aggressive,” Mason said during her meeting with the commissioners. “He’s very hands-on.”