Ohio Stave contributes to fund established to provide smoke detectors throughout county

By Christine Holmes, News Director

A fund established 30 years ago to save lives in case of fire has been replenished by a local business that donated to the cause. 

The Ohio Stave Company gave $1,000 to the ABC Wilson Fund that provides smoke detectors to any resident in Muskingum County in need of a working device. 

“They’ve been doing this about the last three or four years,” said Zanesville Assistant Fire Chief Doug Hobson. “Hats off to the Ohio Stave Company. They’ve been a great company that we’ve been dealing with, especially here for the community of Zanesville.” 

The fund is named after three young brothers – Adam, Brian and Craig Wilson – who were killed during a fire at their home on Christmas morning in 1989.

There were no working smoke detectors in the home.

“Since then, the Zanesville Fire Department established a fund, called the ABC Wilson Fund to raise money to make sure that everybody in Muskingum County had the opportunity to at least have one working smoke detector in their house,” said Hobson.

The fund allows residents of Muskingum County to obtain free smoke detectors from their local fire departments. 

“What we like to talk about is, you know, your nose goes to sleep but your ears don’t,” said Hobson. “It’s a proven fact, the statistics are out there that smoke detectors save lives. It gives you that chance to get out of the fire before the fire grows.”

In addition to having working smoke detectors, Hobson said households should have exit plans in place that include two ways out of the home and an established meeting place once outdoors.

For two story homes, Hobson recommends having a ladder upstairs in case stairs are not an option. If that’s not available, residents should yell from a window for as long and as loud as possible. Waving an object out the window also helps firefighters locate victims. 

According to Hobson, families with children should practice fire drills together to prepare for a real emergency. 

Any individuals or companies that would like to donate to the ABC Wilson Fund cand send a check in care of the fund to the Zanesville Fire Department or the Muskingum County Community Foundation.